Sunday, October 11, 2015

Prescription: hugs

I woke up this morning with a serious Homecoming hangover.

Because we got drunk on each others laughter
                     on the musty air of the Commons
                     on the canyon where we decided to have our own dance

Last night was perfect.

But I woke up this morning with a serious Homecoming hangover.

And it hit me like a brick that last night was my last Homecoming
                                last night was my last
                                last night was my last

And I don't know if the walls of the school are lined with sentimentality or the grass we walked through is watered with memories making my feet cold with the thought that it's.

I woke up this morning with a serious Homecoming hangover.

And I don't think any amount of medicine can help this pressure in my head.


  1. I LOVE THIS. mostly because i empathize, sort of. but mostly because you've put into words the quintessence of senior year.

  2. UUUHHHHHH this was so REAL

    I love the school lined with sentimentality and the grass watered with memories....

    Such a fan. Such. A. Fan.

  3. Thanks for exlpaining all my feelings

  4. I felt the exact same way when I got home last night! Woke up this morning super tender when I realized how fast everything is going.

    Great post!

  5. Okay so I'm not in this class at all but this is fire
