Sunday, September 27, 2015

Solar System

I looked to the stars
they told me to take it slow
I did not listen

The moon warns me now
"I know you prefer the night
don't forget the stars"

The moon is just rock
and all the stars are dying
I need light to live

This solar eclipse
has burned my eyes white and gold
I cry for the stars

Now the sun is here
and I'm trying to count back
the days I've wasted

The moon looks sadly
at my life laying shambled
it could've done more


  1. UH (that was a grunt of approval im just not sure how to spell it out)

    1. I'm not kidding. This is exactly what I did. I'm in my classroom during A3 (my prep). Some song is playing from Thom Sonny's blog. My door is locked. And I read this and said UNHHHHHHH.
