Sunday, September 27, 2015

13 things my parents forgot to teach me:

  1. going down slides isn't fun and people will forget my birthday
  2. high school isn't like high school musical
  3. my favorite color will change and so will my hair
  4. soccer isn't for everyone
  5. people drink beer at BYU games
  6. it's okay to cry over a broken heart. (even if you're in 7th grade)
  7. people will think my Pokemon collection is weird
  8. not everyone will like Phantom of the Opera
  9. brothers can't always be there for you. neither can dogs
  10. sunrises happen whether I witness them or not. so do sunsets
  11. the sun can blind me but so can the moon
  12. the stars will be there when people aren't
  13. sometimes being a robot is ok


  1. Woah. I love this and I love the idea of this and i think you did a great job.

  2. #13.... That is exactly how I feel! :) Thank you for your brain.

  3. Dear Carolina,

    We have so much in common.

    I remember seeing a picture of some BYU fans drinking beer, and I was weirded out. Like, aren't all BYU fans mormons? I don't know. Interesting.

    And the one about The Phantom of the Opera.

    And the one about sunsets and sunrises. Mind blowing.

    This is a fantastic list.

  4. This list is amazing. So relatable.

    Every one of your posts i read makes me love you more and more and makes me want to be your friend more and more.
