Sunday, November 22, 2015


We skipped out on calculus and you played our favorite song on my guitar instead.

The music filled the room, our blue eyes, and the cracks in our hearts. 

We skipped out on a movie and listened to our favorite 80's rock station in your car instead.

The music filled your car, the space in between our hands, and the blank holes in our skulls.

We skipped out on being cool and sang primary songs on the way home.

The music filled the road, the creases in your smile, and our forever cold hands.

But in the middle of our song the smallest guitar string broke and so did something inside of me. The words got stuck in my throat and our blue eyes haven't connected the way melodies should. Our hands have gotten too cold to reach out and our sentences fade off with "okay" when both of us know it isn't.

It's been 7 months and I never thought I would need to learn how to restring my guitar.

But I did.

I fixed the string he broke the day we were supposed to be nowhere near music, and I fill my heart with my own songs now.


  1. from the opening line

  2. I love how your title ties in. Also, I just love this whole thing. 'the smallest guitar string broke and so did something inside of me.'


  3. But in the middle of our song the smallest guitar string broke and so did something inside of me.

    so good. so #stolen
