Saturday, July 9, 2016

"i miss u"

not in some cheesy "i miss holding your hand" kinda way

but in the "i miss being part of your life" kinda way

i miss being the one who gets the "i'm coming over" text

i miss hearing you tell me "it's okay i'm here" when i'm scared

i miss being around your family and lying, "yeah I like watching soccer!" when i never have

i miss laughing at your horrible jokes and telling you "you're an idiot" though you never were

i miss singing "always alright" everywhere we went

i miss visiting you at work to "get food" when really i just loved being near you

i miss being the one who made you laugh and say "you're funny i like you"

i miss hearing about your latest adventures with "don't worry we didn't die" starting it off

i miss seeing your blue eyes and seeing "i know how you feel" written all over them

i miss seeing how much you love your little sister "katie baby" and how she adores you

i miss getting schooled at every sport by you even after you say, "i'll let you win i swear"

i miss hiking next to you and your long legs hearing "c'mon shortie" every other step

i miss the countless snow cone runs because "we have to try every flavor"

i miss watching the stars with you where "nothing else in the world mattered"

i miss being able to call you at any moment "no questions asked"

& i'm a horrible hypocrite because i miss holding your hand

Saturday, March 19, 2016

1st relationship

(girls point of view: top to bottom)

My first relationship didn't last long enough 

And you'll never hear me say that

It was a waste of time 

I loved you 

And I don't think that

I'll get over it soon 

Everyday was perfect but

You thought

We needed space 

I don't know how many times I said 

"We were meant for each other"

I never believed that 

It would end this way

I planned the future, knew that

I wanted to be with you, but

I guess it just didn't work out 

(Boys point of view: bottom to top) 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

time to talk

Let's get this straight. It's been 4 and 1/2 months and you barely know me and I barely know you. We've been in the same classroom every other day for 4 and 1/2 months and I probably don't know your name or your favorite color or what you prefer to do on Saturday nights.


But in 4 and 1/2 months we'll walk at graduation and we'll probably never see each other again, so it might be a good thing I never asked you if you prefer rain over sunshine or if you still have your elementary school journal because I would've gotten attached and then 4 and 1/2 months from now would be harder then I want it to be.


But some scars take too long to fade and some tornadoes rip up everything you've ever known and sometimes it's better to spend a Saturday night alone.

So good luck to all of you whether you want to become an astronaut or the president or even an English teacher. I'll be sitting by my fire in Washington, seeing your face on the news after you cure cancer.


Maybe I'll say "hey. I knew them when we were 17 and still trying to figure out how to survive high school. Well... kinda knew them..."

But for now, I'll see you all when our names are called and we get our ticket out of here, all too excited to leave forgetting all the stress that's been building up for 4 and 1/2 months.

nice to (barely) get to know you.


Monday, January 4, 2016


I don't remember the first time I went to Washington or what happened on my 7th birthday.

I don't remember how many times I begged him to cu his hair or when I first fell in love with flannel.

I don't remember people's names from elementary or my favorite Hannah Montana song.

I don't remember my 4 times tables and I sure as hell don't remember anything from 11th grade math.

I don't remember why I was afraid of my dog or why I liked that kid in 8th grade.

I don't remember my Dad's birthday or a deadline until it's the day of.

I don't remember the 206 bones in my body

but I do remember the day I thought they all broke.

I remember wearing the same outfit for a week and falling in love with watery blue eyes I hadn't seen since 6th grade.

I remember my last sunset with my brother and all the 517 days in-between.

I don't remember a lot but there's somethings you just can't forget like how seeing your best friend cry is the equivalent of feeling a hurricane in your heart.

and how 4x8 or 4x9 or 4x1,789 will never matter.